Imagine your life where you are no longer ruled by your pain!

  • Imagine getting back to all the meaningful activities that your pain has kept you from doing! What if… you didn’t need a three-day recovery after pushing yourself on a ‘good day’?

  • How would it feel to keep plans with friends and family without worrying about pain?

How empowering would it feel to know that you have the ability to decrease your pain!?

I help people with pain related to arthritis, auto-immune disease, or general persistent pain, to take control of their pain in a holistic way so that they can get back to their life! 

I am here to walk with you through this journey to learn how to Master Your Pain and we do this by navigating through four pain pillars of success!

Curious how to make this happen?

Let me tell you about the Master Your Pain Framework:

1. Pain Education

One of the strongest ways to combat chronic pain is to understand our pain and what is going on in our body when we experience pain. There is no single ‘pain centre’ in our brain, which is why there is no single surgery or medication that can remove pain. Chronic pain is a complex interaction between our body, mind, beliefs, and culture. To understand HOW to influence our pain, we have to first understand WHAT is our pain!

2. Movement

It is very common when we experience pain to stop or limit the activities or movements that increase our pain. As we learn to understand what is happening in our body as we experience pain, we gain confidence in movement. Our bodies are designed to move and although reducing activity immediately after an injury may help our body heal we need to teach our body to move with less resistance and with flow. Qigong is the art of effortless movement and will be key in teaching our body to move with ease. 

3. Building Routine and Structure

Think about days when you don’t have any appointments: often we stay in bed too long, wear our pjs around the house, and may forget to brush our teeth – this is okay once in a while; however, if this becomes a daily routine then we may be neglecting important daily activities that contribute to our health and well-being. When we are in pain it often feels like these activities aren’t worth the time and effort, but our daily activities are building blocks that help us do what we need and want to do and build a life full of meaning.

4. Mindset and Managing Stress

To fully master our pain, we must believe that we can! Through understanding our pain and starting to move our bodies more in our daily routines and with gentle movement, we will gain the evidence that we have control over our pain. We also know that our bodies are not designed to cope with our 21st Century stressors. The stress cycle in our body has a profound impact on our pain and ability to cope with pain and the demands of our daily life – by adjusting our mindset and managing our stress, we are able to take hold of our pain. 

Why working with me will be different

Unlike other health and life coaches that meet with you once a week and say “what have you been up to?”, in my coaching program we follow a set, adaptable curriculum. This program was designed to help you learn about your pain and how to effectively manage it, while also addressing your habits and stressors that can cause flare ups. We will also build in new habits, thought patterns, and a balanced mindset to go after anything you want in your life. 

Together we will have you redefine who you are, how you see yourself, how you determine your worth, and most of all – enjoy the process as you become your best self.

What to expect:

  • 3 months commitment from both of us to help you meet your goals

  • Access to the Flow State Membership to supplement our sessions

  • Individual coaching calls via zoom

  • Task assignments, videos and worksheets between sessions

  • Red Flag Warning System planning to prevent setbacks from keeping you stuck


Please fill out the form below if you’re interested and we’ll set up a meet and greet on Zoom to get to know one another before you decide.